Search for tag: "polo"

Eleven-Good luck with that

What kind of student are you?

+3 More
From  Jim Robinette 0 likes 56 plays 0  

Using Easybib to Create a MLA Work Cited Page

+1 More
From  Setterlund 0 likes 13 plays 0  

HUMP-day Remix

Remember to get your work completed and hit your due dates!

+6 More
From  Jim Robinette 0 likes 61 plays 0  


Can't open this Video? Click this link.

From  Jim Robinette 0 likes 117 plays 0  

GB Training.mp4

This is a basic overview of the newest version of the GB desinated course. It covers gradebook, assignments and some basic Blackboard functions.

From  Jim Robinette 0 likes 53 plays 0  


From  Patricia Hoyle 0 likes 7 plays 0  

Advising 101

+3 More
From  Jim Robinette 0 likes 23 plays 0